A little about me…

My journey into birth work began in 2020 with the birth of my son, Hugo. It was by far the most challenging experience of my life and at the same time I thought, ‘Woah! I need to do that again!’ I was completely enraptured in the process of childbirth and in awe of women/birthing people. I was struck at how transformative the journey to and through motherhood truly was. In many ways I grieved my old sense of freedom, but what was reborn felt magical and powerful. The journey was (and continues to be) healing, illuminating, mysterious, heart-opening, utterly challenging, and empowering. For me personally, birth and motherhood are medicine. This rite-of-passage has great potential to be a catalyst for positive change in ones life and thus, for our world.

Prior to Hugo’s birth I had been an Interior Designer for 10 years, but I knew my heart was calling for a different path. My passion for teaching yoga and holding space emerged after a month at an ashram in India - clarity began to flow. I took my prenatal yoga training and Reiki trainings while pregnant with Hugo and began offering both. I lead my first prenatal retreat while pregnant with my second baby, Uma. After another powerful birth (this time a homebirth), a dream-filled barsel/maternity leave, and a few more trainings (Holistic Childbirth Education & Rebozo), I gave birth to another baby, ‘re:birth’ - a yoga business that quickly evolved into a doula business. And here we are!

Currently I am finishing an intensive doula training with Birthing From Within, while attending my first births. Each birth affirms how unique and special this journey is, and what a tremendous honor it is to be welcomed in to that space. Thank you to those first women and partners who trusted in me, even in my doula infancy. I am forever grateful for your presence in my soul’s path.

For the new parents here, my intention is to hold you through this transformative period of your life, to support nature’s lead in guiding you inward, to witness your journey with compassion and reverence, to help you access your own inner-resources and witness your own bravery, to nourish you with ritual, to help balance your body and mind with movement and breath, to educate with evidence-based information, to empower you through this portal so you can step into motherhood/parenthood (and life) carrying that empowerment. I am here to hold, to nurture, to inform, to inspire, to empower, to walk alongside you - through both the bliss and the barriers - just as you are.

re:birth is based in Copenhagen, Denmark but I am open to supporting virtually as well.

I thank all of my teachers, mentors, and expanders along the way:

Sonu Kumar Ji, Dhirendra Singh Ji, Priya Chitrangana Ji, Mohit Ji, Jane Bakx, Ilse-Marie Sobering, Marie Brown, Guadaloupe Trubea, Stef Atunes, Sue-Anne Fischer, Brett Larkin, Ana Davis, Pam England, Britta Bushnell, Gail Tully, Marie Louise Olsen, Ida Moldrup, Kristine Kohlmetz, Yishka Obadia, Kathie Neff, Maeve Sundstrom

My father Dr. David Cooperrider, and most of all, my own mother and greatest inspiration of all, Nancy Cooperrider.

“I find Hannah to be tremendously life giving to be around. Both with her experiential wisdom, generous nature, and bright soul. It is a gift to know her. Some people naturally elevate your presence, confidence, and peace of mind. Hannah is that for me. Especially in my journey as a mother.”

— Kelsie, Retreat Attendant / Reiki Client / Mother Blessing Co-host