nurturing the nurturer

Birth Preparation & Doula Packages

Sessions are typically held at your home. But we can also meet at my clinic on Tuesdays at Willemoesgade 87.

  • The Embodied Birth Prep Package consists of 4 two and a half hour sessions together - three with you and (at least) one with your partner. The course is designed to prepare you for an empowered birth experience and soften into this transformative journey. It offers you an evidence-based understanding of the body and birth, methods to ease pain through pregnancy and labor, practical tools for navigating unexpected paths in labor, embodied birth movements, an overview of early postpartum, local resources for pregnancy and postpartum, and emotional support. We learn about physiological birth and how to lean into your body's innate birthing abilities while maintaining peace and power through any potential detours. You may also add on more visits, as you see fit, to leave you feeling confident and ready for the journey ahead.

    What do you mean by ‘embodied’ birth prep?

    em•bod•y [v] : to give a tangible form to a feeling or idea.

    In this 4-session experience we explore the transition to motherhood with methods of embodied learning. When you step into laborland, your right brain is activated and the logical left is harder to access. Standard birth prep often offers great information but sometimes that alone won’t ‘stick’ when it comes time to birth.

    While information is powerful, and I will offer it when appropriate, I mainly focus on creative right-brain tools, as this is what your body will recall in birth. I could tell you all about the different pain coping mechanisms in a lecture, but instead we let your body experience them so you know what helps YOU to relax and open (rebozo, gentle touch, breathwork, movement, water therapy, acupressure, reiki). We explore different types of ‘mock contractions’ to awaken strength and resiliency, and so your body naturally knows where to go, different birth poses and breathwork, and tools to help cope with venturing through the unknown. THIS is what your body will remember when you are in that right-brain laborland.

    We journey through the heart and mind and your personal patterns in challenging situations, finding ways to awaken compassion, strength, acceptance, flow…whatever energies you hope to embody during birth. I use movement, breathwork, visualization, storytelling, art, games, reflection prompts, voice activation, and connective conversation and listening, to explore birth in a way that is tailored to YOU. So you can venture into the unknown with awareness and deep SELF TRUST. This is Embodied Birth Prep.

    — 4 (2,5 hr ) sessions - 4600 dkk

    — Add a 2 hour session - 1100 dkk

  • What is included?

    • One 2-3 hr home-visit to discuss birth intentions, preferences, and desired support-roles.

    • Support via email and phone through pregnancy.

    • On call 24/7 support from 37 weeks to 42 weeks.

    • Full presence at the birth. When you go into labor I will join when you are ready (home or hospital) and stay until you and your potential partner have given birth and feel safe.

    • One postpartum visit within the first month.

    • Support via email and phone through the first month postpartum.

    • Option to add prenatal or postnatal visits and services as needed.

    — Price: 13.777 dkk

    • Four 2-3 hr home-visits prior to birth, which each include

    - conversation, self-exploration, education (see Embodied Birth Prep 1:1 for more info)

    - 1x short relaxation treatment

    - movement practice/embodied learning

    - a nourishing meal or snack

    - 1 visit with the partner (but they are welcome at all)

    • One 75 min. full body treatment, with reiki, rebozo, gentle massage, and/or movement for optimal baby positioning.

    • Support via email and phone through pregnancy.

    • On call 24/7 support from 37 weeks to birth.

    • Full presence at the birth. When you go into labor I will join when you are ready (home or hospital) and stay until you and your potential partner have given birth and feel safe.

    • One visit within the first few days for support.

    • One visit within the first month to discuss birth and support as needed.

    • Support via email and phone through the first month postpartum.

    • Option to add prenatal or postnatal visits and services as needed.

    — Price: 17.770 dkk

    • Home visits at an hourly rate to support in whatever way is needed.

    • The intention is to hold you and allow you to bloom into the mother you already are. To allow you to consciously and lovingly move through this transition with support.

    • My main role will be to hold space, to listen and to nourish.

    • Offerings may include rebozo massage, reiki, gentle movement and mediation, footbaths, birth and motherhood processing.

    • I will bring nourishing herbal tea and warm healing foods.

    • You, the new parents, will be my focus - but if you have parenting questions I will answer to the best of my ability and also have an extended network of experts like lactation specialists, oesteopath, cranial sacral therapy, etc.

      — 500 dkk/hr

  • The birth partner plays such an important role in the birth room, you are ‘the space-holder’ for the mother/birther, often ‘the lover’ (ignite that oxytocin!) , and can also play ‘the protector’ (not of her and the pain she may face, but of her birth preferences, the environment, and how she is treated). Many don’t realize, that these roles are already built in to who they already are. Just being YOU and being present offers the birther incredible support. Know that you are enough, just as you are!

    Still, you may want to explore some embodied practice, learn a bit about physiological birth, try out the rebozo, and set some intentions before entering ‘laborland’ with your partner.

    In the Full Session we explore breathwork, partner syncing, birth positions, pain coping techniques, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques. Tools and conversation designed to cultivate confidence and connection.

    — 75 minute Rebozo Training - 750 dkk

    — 2,5 hour Full Session - 1100 dkk

  • You’ve heard of Doula and Birth Educator, but have you heard of a Birth Mentor? A Birth Mentor is someone who will listen with compassion and guide with gained wisdom. A birth mentor will listen, empower, hold, and walk with you, just as you are, in this experience. We were never meant to journey this alone -whether its in preparation or processing well after the birth. It is an honor to witness and hold through this experience.

    — 650 per hour for in-person

    — 350 per hour via Zoom or phone


All sessions are held at my clinic on Tuesdays in Østerbro. Willemoesgade 87.

Home-visits on all other days are an extra 50 dkk.

  • Full body oil massage on a heated massage bed. One hour. Half+price until 2025!

    -325 dkk (Full is 650)

  • The Rebozo is a delicately crafted shawl used throughout Latin America for centuries, for birth and everyday use. Mexican midwives use them to do the 'manteada', a massage technique to help ease aching back and to encourage the baby into a good position. It is used in pregnancy, labor, and postpartum and has made its way into the modern birth-world as a safe and effective tool.

    60 min - 650 dkk

  • Reiki is a Japanese Healing technique that uses different hand positions on the body to promote deep relaxation, stress relief, clarity, pain relief, rejuvenation, balance, and compassion. It can provide womb healing, for those in the [pre]conception phase. Beautiful in pregnancy for relieving pain , connecting with baby, processing the emotions of this journey, and awakening intentions for birth and motherhood. Also beneficial in postpartum to help process the transition and awaken a new sense of vitality in the body. Reiki is for anyone, at any stage of life.

    — 60 min - 650 dkk

  • A lovely combination between two ancient practices to balance the body physically and energetically.

    — 90 min - 850 dkk

  • A mix of deep relaxation, releasing feel-good hormones (oxytocin), practical body preparation, and gentle supportive baby positioning. We’ll start with a nourishing herbal footbath, followed by rebozo massage mixed with reiki and oil massage. We can also learn some Spinning Babies and yoga positions for pelvic release and to support baby’s decent into the birth canal, if desired.

    A great option for anyone approaching birth, 34 weeks or later. If your baby is breech, we can introduce specific techniques to help encourage baby to flip - and/or simply relax, release, and trust. If you are trying to encourage induction after 37 weeks, this session can help and we can include some acupressure as well.

    — 90 min - 850 dkk

  • The birth portal invites us to o p e n . We open our womb to build and then birth our babies. We are invited to open ourselves to new ways of seeing and being, new ways of thinking and feeling. We open ourselves to the unknown and the unbidden. We open to our fears and meet our edges. We open not only our bodies, but our minds and certainly our hearts. Expansion upon expansion. Until it’s time to come home. Time to process, time to integrate, time to return…but not to the old version of our self. We return to the parts we thought we lost and integrate the parts we’ve gained, the lessons we’ve learned, heal the wounds, and find renewal. Find peace. Find acceptance and feel whole again. So that we can fully feel and hold the bliss that surrounds us as a new mother. …plus, who doesn’t want to feel like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon?! Which reminds me, this ceremony is really for ANYONE at the end of a major transition or transformation! Doesn’t have to be the birth portal.

    Closing the bones is an ancient ceremony that began in Central America. I honor and thank those who have passed the tradition to me and offer it with great reverence.

    It’s best to do after the 4th trimester and before the first year, but it really can be done anytime. This was a mother at two years postpartum. For some it takes a couple of months and for others it might take their lifetime to show up and process their birth. Wherever you are at, it’s perfect, trust in the timing of your own healing.

    — 2 hr - 1100 dkk

  • Yoga is an incredible tool for preparing the body and mind for birth and beyond, while providing relief from pregnancy and new-motherhood. Connect to your baby, to your body, to your breath , build strength and stamina, release and relax, and get to know yourself on a deeper level. With 4 years of experiences teaching at various studios, I offer a safe and empowering experience with a keen awareness of the female anatomy. I am trained and experienced in Prenatal/Postnatal, Yoga for Fertility, Feminine Yoga, Vinyasa, Pranayama, Meditation, and Yin - so no need to be in the motherhood portal to book a session. Book a 1:1 session or come back soon for an online library! All equipment is provided,

    — 60 min - 650 dkk

Workshops & Circles

  • A mother blessing is a new trend derived from the ancient Native American practice called ‘Blessingway’. The Navajo tribe would honor the journey of both a warrior decending to battle and a pregnant person on the journey to parenthood. I love that this trend has made its way to modern mothers, as in years past the focus is always only on the baby. To gather in a group of your closest sisters for a sacred pause before facing your own ‘battle’ that comes with birth and transformation, is a beautiful gift. Such an honor to be the facilitator for this one! You all know my favorite thing to celebrate and honor is this rite of passage to becoming a mother!

    If you have interest in this for yourself, or perhaps you are planning a baby shower for a friend and might want to integrate this, please know I am here to help facilitate. I have all of the equipment and can travel to you or can help find a suitable location. Contact for more info, availability, and cost.

  • More info coming soon!

  • More info coming soon!

  • Empowered Partner Workshop

    by Re:birth + Rebozo Copenhagen

    October 17 15:30-19:30

    November 12 10-14

    at YoJo - Yoga & Jordemoder

When we enter the world of birth, we step across the threshold from the mundane to the sacred. Pregnancy and birth are a space between worlds — a liminal space — a place where you are no longer not a parent and not yet one either.’

-Britta Bushnell PhD