U n f o l d i n g


Soften into the unknown with an introspective, connective, & embodied approach to preparing for birth & your unique journey unfolding.

‘Here I stand at the threshold of labor. What will be asked of me? Am I willing to do it? Who will I become on the other side?’

— Nikki Shaheed, Heart Centered Pregnancy Journal

what is unfolding?

Unfolding is a 3-part birth circle for a small group of women/pregnant people who want a cozy and unique birth prep experience, one that might feel more like a weekly soul-nourishing mini-retreat.

The course includes 3 in-person birth circles (3 hours each), with plenty of space to explore, share, move, breathe, meditate, visualize, voice activation, and practice and learn in somatic + embodied ways. Both practical and personal, you will leave with a new confidence in yourself and your ability to birth and mother/parent.

You will receive plenty of body and mindfulness practices (yoga, hip mobility, pelvic floor prep, breathwork, meditations, etc), and a workbook full of practical information, creative processes to explore deeper, and reflective journaling prompts.

Embody your truth + strength

Explore & express in a safe community

Empower your inner knowing

Embrace the journey unfolding

tell me more…

the details

Circles are held on Tuesdays at Willemoesgade 87 in Østerbro

Next Circle Series:

TBD (come back soon)


Unfolding Birth Circle (3 sessions) : 2222 DKK

Unfolding PLUS Empowered Partner Workshop: 3444 DKK


Send payment to MobilePay 466006. Note your email.

You will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of booking.

Groups are intentionally kept small (4-5),

Reserve your spot now to avoid disappointment.

You will leave with a coping mindset, ready to navigate any situation. You will experience moving away from a ‘thinking mindset’ and discover your inner wisdom, accessing your deeper beliefs and truths. You will engage in a variety of embodied and playful activities to activate your intuition and birth-readiness. You will focus on your desires and craft strategies to move towards that vision. You will be in a non-judgmental space - free to express and feel seen in your unique experience.

Birth prep today is often focused on the external - the technique that promises the perfect outcome, the over-saturation of information and evidence, the templates for the perfect birth plan, the scripts you ‘should say’ when faced with intervention. The ‘Unfolding’ approach goes beyond the birth plan. We go deeper rather than wider. We go inward rather than outward. Because in my opinion, the greatest tool in birth (and in parenting, and in life), is self-trust

Birth can feel daunting, as any true ‘initiation’ will be. It’s the biggest mystery you will face in life until death and a beautiful rite-of-passage, if you choose to see it that way. It tests our relationship to the unknown like no other experience in life and transforms us in ways we could never anticipate. That might feel heavy.

But what if you could fully trust in your body, your nature, and in yourself to navigate any situation that may arise? What if you could know yourself deep enough to be able to say - ‘I will know what to do, even when I don’t know what to do’? What if you had a space with other women/birthers and an experienced doula to ask all of your deepest questions? What if you could soften into this experience with resourcefulness and self-compassion? Does that feel a little lighter?

what about my partner?

Your partner plays an important role in this experience! This is designed to compliment the EMPOWERED PARTNER WORKSHOP that I host with Rebozo Copenhagen every couple of months. You can buy a bundle for 4222 dkk and between the circles and the partner prep you and your partner will be thoroughly prepared for birth and beyond.

The intent for a women/birther-only circle is to give you ample space to explore YOURSELF, your unique body and history, and be amongst others going through the same. You may find it nice to have this space for yourself and baby, to connect deeper, then bring back your insights to your partner.

If you want all of the content for both you and your partner, please consider my Embodied Birth Prep 1:1, a prep series tailored for YOU, in the comfor of your own home,

Read more about our upcoming Empowered Partner Workshops here:

Do you have more questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out and connect!

To book please send payment to MobilePay 466006. (Unfolding 3111 dkk, Unfolding + Empowered Partner Workshop Bundle 4222 dkk). Note your email . You will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of booking.